@ little_Socrates:
"If you where God and could eliminate suffering what would the world look like?"
If I were to play god I would do the following:
- Eliminate all psychopaths and the genes in non-psychopaths that determine, when mixed with the other parent's genes, the type of brain psychopaths have. Yes it is neurological.
- Eliminate the genes for congenital diseases and eliminate all organisms that cause diseases in human beings (although they might re-evolve again).
- Increase a sense of altruism within humans.
- Restructure society to a more humane one that eliminates alienation and increases a sense of community.
- I would still allow suffering for grieving and other situations were it would be appropriate. A person who doesn't suffer under those circumstances is not fully human.
"The Atheists argument is... the world does not appear as though it has been created by a loving God so therefore no God."
The Universe shows signs of order and disorder but not intelligence. Think of all the suffering that life forms on other planets would go through when two galaxies crash together or when a supernova incinerates everything within several light years. There is no "love" in that. Any god who would have created that must be callous and above, or beneath, a sense of love and morality.
There you have it.